The new normal: Remote Work and Online Learning as the New Trend of Employment and Education

With understanding and kindness, I would like to share a life experience emphasizing the importance of conventional and modern education and work methods. Distance learning, now commonly known as online learning, is just as relevant and necessary today as conventional education. In the 1990s, while studying at the University of Tirana, I had the opportunity to enroll in the World English Institute to learn the English language. Since the internet was still in its infancy, the World English Institute used standard mail to send me study materials and assignments. Then, I would complete the assignments and send them back to my teacher, Sarah Smith (may she rest in peace), using the postal services of that time. This distance learning method proved successful, and in two years, I received my diploma from the World English Institute.

Fast forward to today, thank God, and I have completed my master’s degree with UMGC Europe through online learning, worked remotely as an adjunct faculty with UMGC Europe, founded Dautti as a Virtual Instructor-Led Training startup, working remotely as Microsoft Certified Trainer for Elev8, and recently graduated from doctorate studies with Aspen University through online learning. In addition, my prior knowledge of the English language, gained from elementary and high school education and the World English Institute, provided me with a solid foundation to succeed in traditional and modern work and educational environments.

Diploma from WEI

Diploma from WEI

My experience has taught me to appreciate traditional and modern work and education methods. Online learning and remote work are current technological standards that have proven valuable and effective, and as such, they should coexist with conventional formats of work and education. That allows everyone to learn and work in the best design. Above all, since technology is a blessing from God, I am grateful for the opportunity to live in an Internet age that has made our lives much more comfortable and better. In summary, conventional and modern formats have their place in work and education. Hence, it’s essential to recognize and appreciate the benefits of each and find a balance that allows for equal opportunities for all.

Bekim Dauti is a qualified and experienced computer technology expert specializing in server administration, computer networking, and training, focusing on Cisco, CompTIA, and Microsoft technologies. He earned his bachelor’s in informatics from the University of Tirana, a master’s in information technology from UMGC Europe, and a doctorate in Computer Science from Aspen University.

Bekim has over 20 years of experience as a Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCAI) and over 15 years of experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). In addition, he holds several IT certifications from reputable vendors, including ECDL, Certiport, CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems.

As a prolific writer, Bekim has contributed to nearly 20 books and published dozens of articles in renowned publications such as PC World Albanian and CIO Albanian. In addition, he founded InfoTech and Dautti and works as a Microsoft Certified Trainer at Elev8. Bekim’s passion for technology extends to maintaining a blog called “Bekim Dauti’s Blog.” Bekim is grateful for his parents’ support.

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Treating the Internet as a communication tool rather than a “living environment”

In an attempt to raise awareness in treating the Internet as a communication tool rather than a “living environment”.

Hope you’ll find this post informative.

e-Book: Computer Networks – An Introduction

Whom this e-Book is for?

This e-Book is designed to provide you an introduction to computer networks. It contains the general concepts of the computer networks. That said, this e-Book is for everyone! It serves to beginners who are making the first steps in computer networks. At the same time, this e-Book can be used by intermediate and advanced users to bring back the computer network concepts. Other than that, this e-Book proves to be a handy informational source for everyone who is involved in studying computer networks in general, and computer networks concepts and definitions in particular. Moreover, the content on this e-Book is organized into chapters where each chapter covers a specific computer network topic. Each computer network topic is accompanied with an easy-to-understand explanations, self-descriptive graphics, and in conclusion sections. With the guidance provided by this easy to follow resource, you will quickly learn the general concepts and definitions of computer networks.

e-book-computer-networksComputer Networks: An Introduction (General Concepts)

Product Details:

  • File Size: 1322 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Bekim Dauti; 1 edition (November 7, 2016)
  • Publication Date: November 7, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: What is a computer network?
Chapter 2: Types of computer networks
Chapter 3: Physical and logical topologies of computer networks
Chapter 4: Computer networks components
Chapter 5: Communications protocols in computer networks
Chapter 6: The OSI and TCP/IP reference models
Chapter 7: The IP addresses and subnets
Chapter 8: IPv6 vs IPv4
Chapter 9: The TCP’s reliable character
Chapter 10: The Internet’s big arena
Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank you for your time and consideration to download and read the e-Book! If you’ve liked this e-Book and want to participate actively in the further improvement process, then please e-Mail your:

  • comments
  • suggestions, and
  • observations

at With pleasure, I will read and try to include your comments, suggestions, and observation in the next editions of this e-Book.

Hope you’ll find this post informative.


Mësimi 6: Modelet OSI dhe TCP/IP


Që nga themelimet e modeleve referencë si OSI dhe TCP/IP janë dhënë ilustrime nga më të ndryshmet për të përshkruar saktë dhe thjeshtë procesin e komunikimit të dy kompjuterëve në një rrjet kompjuterik apo në Internet. Ndaj përmes prezantimit në vijim do të përpiqem që të sjellë shembujt praktik të përshkrimit të modeleve referencë përkatëse.

Shpresoj që ky postim të jetë informues për ju të dashur lexues.

paqe dhe shëndet,
