AIOps: The Future of Cloud Computing Optimization

Aspen University’s Spring Colloquium March 2024

The Biannual Research Colloquium is a week-long event where scholars from Aspen University (AU) and external organizations come together to share their research passions with the rest of the academic community.

In this presentation, I will discuss how Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) can optimize cloud computing workloads and enhance application performance and availability. The popularity of cloud computing has been increasing due to its scalability and flexibility. However, managing complex cloud environments presents significant challenges for IT teams, particularly ensuring optimal application performance and availability.

This study analyzes the challenges organizations face in managing cloud environments, such as monitoring and controlling many resources and identifying and resolving issues that affect application performance. The study proposes using AIOps technology to optimize cloud computing workloads. AIOps utilizes Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to monitor cloud resources and application performance metrics in real time, detect anomalies, and identify the root cause of issues.

Additionally, AIOps uses automated remediation to resolve problems, such as scaling resources or adjusting configurations. The study evaluates the effectiveness of AIOps through an experiment in Microsoft Azure and proven implementations of AIOps on production cloud workloads.

The results demonstrate significant improvements in workload performance, resource utilization, and AIOps’ ability to detect and resolve issues impacting application performance. The study highlights the potential benefits of AIOps, such as reducing the burden on IT teams and enabling proactive issue resolution, thus enhancing the efficiency and reliability of cloud environments while improving application performance and availability.

Thank you very much for joining me in this session to discover how AIOps can revolutionize cloud computing optimization and enable data-driven decision-making.

AIOps: The Future of Cloud Computing Optimization

Peace and blessings,

Bekim Dauti

Bekim Dauti is a qualified and experienced computer technology expert specializing in server administration, computer networking, and training, focusing on Cisco, CompTIA, and Microsoft technologies. He earned his bachelor’s in informatics from the University of Tirana, a master’s in information technology from UMGC Europe, and a doctorate in Computer Science from Aspen University.

Bekim has over 20 years of experience as a Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCAI) and over 15 years of experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). In addition, he holds several IT certifications from reputable vendors, including ECDL, Certiport, CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems.

As a prolific writer, Bekim has contributed to nearly 20 books and published dozens of articles in renowned publications such as PC World Albanian and CIO Albanian. In addition, he founded InfoTech (Academy) and Dautti and works as a Microsoft Certified Trainer at Elev8. Bekim’s passion for technology extends to maintaining a blog called “Bekim Dauti’s Blog.” Bekim is grateful for his parents’ support.

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